Grundschule Alchen/Unsere Märchen/Fred
there was a Bank robber named Robert Gusuntite the 5th. He wanted to rob a Bank because he lived in poverty. His dad Had tried and failed. But he knew that you need Equipment and to study the target somthing which his dad had neglected to do so one thing lead to another and his dad endend up in prision when Robert was 5. This lead to a very sad kid who just so happens to be in poverty. He felt it to be his destiny that he would rob that bank and this thought was confirmed when he wanted to buy a Xbox1 But his mum said no you cant we dont have enough money. So to help him accomplish this dream he got a job at the bank he could now get paid and study his target at the same time. But there was a catch he hated the actual work. It was boring giving people money when he knew that he could use the money for a better purpose getting him bank robbing equipment how he knew this well he did not but it was a educated guess. But eventuly he got enough money to buy a shack as his base of operations and a used Honda Odessy at the local used car dealership. He knew the bank from the inside out. At the dead of night he sneaks up on the bank security man its not a big bank he knows it is the only one. A hit to the head with a club and he is out cold. He picks the lock to the bank and he is in. When he walks into the bank he is struck by how big it is. When he is working it seemed so small but now that he was in there alone it semed so big huge even. But without delay he went the vaults opened them with the computer passcode stole the money and got out. And lived happily for two hours then he got arrested for burglary, forced entry and armed robbery. How they got all this information is the cop who he knocked out was not actually unconscious and he filmed the hole thing and one thing lead to another and he got a life sentence.
deutsche Version
Da war Bankräuber Namens Robert Gusuntite der 5.. Er wollte eine Bank ausrauben weil er in Armut lebte. Sein Vater hatte es versucht und versagt. Aber er wusste von seinem Vater dass du Aursrüstung ausführst und das Zeil studierst, etwas was sein Vater versäumt hatte so dass eine Sache zu einer anderen führte und Roberts Vater endete in der Gefangenschaft als Robert 5 war, was zu einem was zu einem sehr traurigen Kind führte gerade so in Armut. Er empfand es als sein Shicksal, Mony für die Familie zu bekommen, indem er diese Bank ausraubte und dieser Gedenke wurde bestätigt als er eine X-box1 kaufen wollte aber seine Mutter sagte dass wir nicht genug Geld haben. Um ihm dabei zu helfen diesen Truam zu verwirklichen, hat er siche einen job in der Bank angeeignet so dass er jetzt bezahlt werden kann und sein Zeil gleichzeitig studieren kann, Win-Win Habe ich recht. Nein, weil er die eigentlich Arbeit hasste es war langweilig Menshen zu geben, er hatte keine Verbindung zu Geld wenn er wusste dass er es für einen besseren Zweck A