*What are your ideas? - padlet

Aus ZUM Grundschullernportal

Wow, you have got a lot of practice now! Good job that you came so far... :)

Now you can share your own ideas about our topic clothing!

  • 1. Open the link on the bottom to get to our shared PADLET!
  • 2. You can see 3 tasks, where you can click on the + to create your own posts:)
  • 3. The green posts explain the task and the blue posts are examples or helpful phrases, that you can use for your own ideas!
  • 4. Read the posts from your classmates as well.

Our new words.pdf

link to our PADLET: https://padlet.com/lisa30355/clothing-padlet-1hll8xqbwwfe2bl

Incredible! You finished the whole learning path! You are a real clothing expert now :)

This is where you are in this learning path:

12 progress.png

back to the starting page